Monday, October 13, 2008

Choose Your Scandal Wisely

(noun )
a disgraceful or discreditable action, circumstance, etc.
an offense caused by a fault or misdeed.
damage to reputation; public disgrace.
defamatory talk; malicious gossip.
a person whose conduct brings disgrace or offense.

I find myself longing for the good old days when we had a Rhodes Scholar sitting in the Oval Office, and the scandal du jour involved a sexual indiscretion. The investigation cost a cool $50 million, a bargain compared to the $9 Billion per month the current Washington scandal is squeezing out of the federal budget. A President was forced to face the humiliation of impeachment, but no wars were waged and no one was hurt. Now that's what I call a manageable scandal.

The current Washington scandal took root in 2001 when the President, faced with a wounded Nation all too ready to strike out, capitalized on this opportunity by devising a plan to topple Sadaam Hussein. Half truths and innuendo were used skillfully to manipulate the public opinion. My outrage began here. The rationale was so flimsy and presumptuous that it seemed impossible that anyone would buy into it. Invading Iraq as part of the war on terror? Only those who are predisposed to exacting aimless revenge could accept this as a plausible rationale. Apparently Americans' abounds with this inclination. The Bush administration seized the moment and gave it's people what they wanted; an excuse, lame as it was, to strike back. The collective American personality is one of a short sighted and petulant Junior High School student, and no one understands that mindset better than '43 himself.

This is "W"'s scandal. Only this time the turpitude has resulted in 2600 American and 30,000 Iraqi casualties; while exacerbating the terror threat it was supposedly designed to forestall.The time for outrage was in 2002, when it was still possible to stop the intitial occupation. Now is the time for humility. Leaving Iraq now is the only way to begin to atone for the crime this administration committed against the world and it's own people. Adolescent children often find them selves having to swallow a difficult pill (or two) in their march toward adulthood. It is part of the growth that is necessary in order to make wiser choices in the future. We are the adolescent society in this world, and this is an opportunity for us to grow.

I recall my Aunt Patty's consoling words after the '04 election
"don't worry dear, they'll dig up some dirt on the bastard (paraphrasing here), and he'll end up a lame duck with no power to get anything accomplished"

I wish.


Anonymous said...

about half way done with state of denial by bob woodward. he went after them.

M- Filer said...

I think John Kerry did it ONCE during the '04 debates,(crystalized the same sentiments) and I was impressed because it was about the only time during the campaign that he did.

Bill Clinton is the master! I think we can get around that 22nd Amendment thing if we elect Hillary.

Anonymous said...

Love it!!!!!

Can't wait to read more

Two thumbs up

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your political leaning with the blog. Of course you and I have the same opinion concerning the current ignorant administration. Not only Bush, but anyone who supports him. I must admit I lose respect for people, friends included, when they profess to support this administration. I have to divorce myself from the situation because it evokes an anger in me that verges on hostile action. So, I try not to think about it too much. I am a passive person in general so this conflict bothers me to point it makes me physically sick

Unknown said...

Wow, new look! I am lovin it! Good to see you didnt give up blogging all together, Id miss ya!