Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Simple Life

July 10,2007
So nice to get away from it all! Tucked away in the center of Oak Bluffs, lies a rather substantial hamlet well stocked with nothing but gingerbread houses. These homes are akin to the shoe that the old lady lived in, they are over sized doll houses stuffed with relics and bric-a-brac. A bad case of terminal quaintness. Ours is a modest gray clapboard with Pink trim, a mild statement compared to the hot Pink and Lavender bombshell next door, or the periwinkle with magenta lattice just up the bike path. It's all so loud and I love it.

Despite it's reputation, Martha's Vineyard is more than just an upscale destination for the rich and liberal. I greatly disagree with that characterization for a number of reasons, not least of which is that I am here, and while sure I am a liberal,rich...not so much. Second,this place is not so chic, not the way the Hampton's or Newport are chic-- the Vineyard is shabby-chic, the others are chic-chic. This Island is charming and rustic in that old naval yard tradition that Massachusetts is famous for. Third, this community is largely one of artisans: writers, painters, photographers and glass blowers. And Potters. It is not just about socialites. Fundraising events on the Vineyard are rare compared to some of Americas more tony hot spots, and serve only limited purpose: environmental protection or bank rolling a Clinton. Both laudable enterprises.

So here I sit, on the front porch of the gingerbread, scamming the wireless connection of a near-by elf. It's time to shimmy my way up the narrow staircase that leads to the back of the doll house , where, with a pair of reading glasses, I'll be able to see into every outside shower stall on gingerbread circle


Anonymous said...

Good for you!!!!!!!!!!! u look great..wish i was to all...........R

flashpoint said...

don't hurt yourself on that deck that you got there, twinkle toes.

WAT said...

I wasn't there, so you could only have SO much fun and relaxation without me.


Gledwood said...

is that the ghost of a house i see in the top pic? quite amazing!!

M- Filer said...

I know. I was walking near the Ocean, heading to meet my cousins, when this ghost of a seaside Mansion just sort of appeared through the mist. So I grabbed the camera and started shooting away.

Christopher said...

I love that little house...and you look great my friend!

RAD said...

cute house-- very fairy you be careful on that board Hansel... xo Gretal :)

Pod said...

you big perv!
good should take /post more

Unknown said...

rachel and i never made it to the vineyard. i wish i could have shown her these houses. we did manage to go to a variety of beaches and do cape cod-y things. sorry we missed you.