Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm too sexy for my .eyewear

Doc: "You have near perfect eye sight."
Me: "Impossible, I am going blind, I can't even read the numbers off a credit card with out pulling the corners of my eyes all the way back to my ears-- it's like pulling taffy just to read a damn label"
Doc:" Yup, just the reading glasses. Slight correction is all ya need"

So I need reading glasses and weak ones at that. For me It has been decades of eye glass envy, of feeling deprived of the fashion accessory that makes some look smarter, others look sexier, and can with the right fashion aptitude, make one look both smart and sexy (Brad Pitt). I can now march into Pearle Vision Center, Rx in hand, and legitimately purchase my first pair of eye glasses. Granted, the Rx won't be necessary since the glasses I need can be purchased in 10 packs at
Sam's Club.

I thought I would be a natural at choosing the perfect pair, but forget what I said about smart, sexy, and Brad; one close friend suggested I enter a Woody Allen look-a-like contest. So Jealous.


CatWoman said...

Friend's a dork. LOL U look fine.

Anonymous said...

Too funny, but i don't remember suggesting a contest, just noted a SLIGHT resemblance

flashpoint said...

those are not raybans. beware of a post soon.

M- Filer said...

uh, whatever, ya said I look like Woody Allen. I am getting new glasses and a haircut.

WAT said...

Oh my, I think I'm in love. Life after forty sure doesn't seem so bad.

CatWoman said...

Now come to think of it. You look like Andy Dick in this shot. LOL
I'm sorry. You're making an Andy Dick kinda face and I couldn't resist And I SORRY! You're cute and look younger than 4.Oh.

Michael Guy said...

I sport D&G 'readers.' I could have bought the same prescription glasses off a twirly rack at WALGREENS.

As a homo, fashion eyewear is part of the agenda. Just don't think I'm doing those UGG boots any time soon, though.

I like the frames!

Big Daddy said...

A non-coked up Andy Dick maybe.

Look good though.

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

Ahhhh...if that is you in the pic, and I believe it is, then you look NOTHING like Woody Allen. In fact, you're hot! You actually look alot like this priest I used to date...Father Jeff. Seriously. And he was HOT (and he had a huge penis, not that I care about size). ;-)

kimmo_matias said...
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kimmo_matias said...

Hello Pretty Bitch, haha! The joke was funny and yes, do NOT worry! You look fine! I'm joining that club too... soon... well... at least I'm getting there... I'm only 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 years behind you.. Hahahah. Just kidding (not about the number though, ah ha ha)! You look great! SERIOUSLY! We all have our own hangups.. For my whole damn life I've been envious of people who can wear caps and hats, cos everytime I took one and place it on my "locks" I look like a freaking idiot! =) Take care!

Gina Welch said...

When I look at this picture, I hear, "I think I speak for everyone when I say, Fire the bitch."

You look dashing, but I can also see you working a Malcolm X frame. So many possibilities for hotness.

And I'm still getting that silver fox Anderson Cooper vibe off you.

Christopher said...

Woody Allen/Andy Dickhead jokes be look hot!...period.

I only wish you had unbuttoned one more button, cuz that body looks Toight like a Tiger!

Pod said...

just give me a fan
it's unbelievable
i mean, i can't even think to answer the question

RAD said...

Glasses= TURN ON....Looks great! It all depends on your rims man! A few pairs for different looks and moods are a must!

kimmo_matias said...

Ciao Dean! The posts about the new album are on Madonnathon site. Published on the 5th of October, I changed the view setting. I did not delete them, I've just been posting alot during this week! =)

Gledwood said...

Oh, how I loathed having to wear spectacles to see clearly when I was younger!

Gledwood said...

Then I found contact lenses (eventually) that my eyes would tolerate.

Then they said I'd been over-wearing 'em...

Now I wear glasses again and don't really give a ****

Gledwood said...

Oh btw I put your link on my celebrity blog at last!

flashpoint said...

I think that this photo says,"hey, I'm a total d-bag, so what." What's that brick thing that you've got pressed to your face? It's not a cell phone is it? What is this 1983?

WAT said...

I want you.

Eddie said...

I forget how hot you are...

for a white boy.


Nah, I'm kidding pa. I love everyone...

You look extra tasty in that particular pic and I find that those glasses make you look intelligent/sexy/regal and um... hot.
