Tuesday, April 01, 2008

My Turn

I never thought we Virginians would have much of a voice this primary season. The front loaded political calender threatened to discount our vote as irrelevant. But with New York, California, and approximately thirty other states already weighing in, and with no clear front runner, it appears the Potomic primary will hold sway after all.

Hillary needs our vote. The campaign has hit a rough spot and the media are eating our girl alive. Obama is heavily favored here because of all the African Americans living in DC and Maryland, not to mention the infamous latte liberals . But the pundits have not taken into consideration a little known yet fast growing sector of the electorate: The Cafe con Leche Cu**-faces. The CCLC are bitter, aging homosexuals, who have remained staunch Clinton supporters all the way back to
don't ask, don't tell. We have stuck by the Clintons through scandalous pardons, stolen White House furniture, and even promoted the Oval Office bl** job as a stress reducing approach to effective leadership. The CCLC will not let the Clintons down. This cu**-face will setting his alarm for the crack of dawn (10:00 a.m.), so he can skip over to the voting precinct to pull the lever for Hillary.


joe*to*hell said...

oh i am sooooo nervous

WAT said...

Billary is slipping dude. F*CK.

They love OBAMA. You'd think he was a rock star or something, but my thing is, what is he really saying other than happy motivational speaker-type statements?

I dunno man.

TWISI said...

Obama makes me believe in America again. Hillary doesn't.

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

Obama IS a ROCK STAR - and Hillary is the status quo. My precinct here in Seattle is the most liberal and Democratic in the state - and thus one of the most liberal and democratic in the nation (AND it's a true mix of upper class and blue collar, white, African-American and Asian, gay and straight), and it overwhelmingly supported Obama because only he represents true CHANGE. 20 years of Clinton and Bush and Hillary's war VOTES - enough already. *WINK*

On a non-political note, THANKS for the poem compliments - most people ignore them. Yes, I did write that one in 1993 (and it is about a specific person). ;-)

M- Filer said...

The CCLC is a HUGE constituency and we will not be ignored, we will sit up a be counted!

PS--it doesn't mean some of us wouldn't do Obama anyway.

Anonymous said...

I'm a pround card carrying member of the CCLC for years. I want a Clinton Obama ticket, I don't even care who is on top. -XO Deb Jillinsky

WAT said...

Well, the rock star that is OBAMA continues his amazing winnng streak!

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

I hope you are not too disappointed - seems like many of your neighbors dissed Hillary! It's all good. I'm just happy to be excited about politics again! *S.W.A.K.*

Anonymous said...

That's good. I particularly like the effigy of Hillary tied to the
stake. I think that could win over a few people through sympathy or
their sadistic tendency. Whichever. I like the Cunts. I have to say
homosexuals can really add to the humanism of this political world we
live in, demanding equal rights, sympathizing with a sometimes
unpopular, aging woman, challenging those among us to get over it,
it's all good. Talk to you soon. So good to hear your voice. Give
Bev and Butterscotch a kiss for me.


flashpoint said...

It's alright, cuntie, you can pull the lever for Billary now and Obama next time. Have you read this article by the way:


Sister, please!

M- Filer said...

hey Low Moon, what's with the new moniker and the Ronald Reagan mascot? I kinda like them

No, I had not read this article until you brought it to my attention. Kinda lite and fluffy, that's o.k...
I don't think Toni has a thing to apologize for with regard to her decade old comments regarding Bill Clinton's "blackness". It's true! It was true then and it's true now and I don't care if it's PC to say that or not.

Conversley, Barack Obama is more of a pussy than any woman I know, so you see it kinda all evens out!

flashpoint said...

Just thought I would change things up a little. "lost-edge" was so early to mid 90s, and it was starting to get a little stale.

SO, now we have resorted to name calling?

I could never vote for someone with Kankles.


Christopher said...

Well done cunt face....and I say that with love & respect!


Anonymous said...

So, Hilary doesn't suck. That's the point?

kimmo_matias said...

Dear Dean,

Off the topic, wanted to let you and the rest of the gang to know the following: All who wishes to listen a new R&B version, 36 sec. clip of M's new single go to:

P.S. This is not the Jingleball LQ clip and not the 17sec leak, this is a new one, found it from the net tonight and made a video into You Tube so check it out... NOW!

Kimmo Matias

Anonymous said...

"Now would be a good time for the Hillary supporters to ask themselves a serious question. "Do we want to have it all our way or not at all, and go over a cliff waving our flag, or do we want the white house?" If the answer is the latter, they need to rally behind Obama.

If Hillary actually wins the nomination, every inbread, backwoods Republican is going to swarm out of the hollows of every region in this country not as much to vote for McCain but to voate against Hillary and John McCain will be our next president. However, if Obama gets the nomination, many of these same backwoodsmen will stay home and Obama may be our next president."


J. David Zacko-Smith said...

*BREAKING NEWS*: Tom Brokaw just announced that Obama has FIFTY Superdelegates waiting to endorse him - Hillary's candidacy is now sort of over whether she wants it to be or not.

M- Filer said...

Obama may well be our candidate, so I try to choose my words carefully when speaking about why I prefer another candidate; I intend to throw my whole-hearted support behind him if he becomes the nominee.

I really wonder if that would be possible for you if the shoe were on the other foot. Could you support Hillary if she got the nomination? Have you let your feelings for Obama get in the way of that? You have repeatedly critcized Hillary for her negativity in this campaign, yet you my friend, have had the most negative voice I have heard anywhere this campaign season. Hillary is not the devil. She's a politician running on her record (the good parts and the bad parts)and she is running against a man who has practically no record.

I am aware that it is Tuesday morning March 4th., and by tonight her campaign could be over. But you should be aware that this campaign is most likely far from over, and there are any number of ways for her to get the nomination if she wins tonight. A do-over primary in Florida and Michigan being just one of those ways. Just as her super delagates might switch to Obama, his could switch to her if she starts on a string of wins from here on.

I am just saying, she has won a hell of a lot of delegates and states, she has tons of support in this country and we do not want her out yet. She represents our wishes as mch as her own.

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

I'll admit it - I would have a very hard time supporting Hillary - I'm not at all impressed with her campaign, tactics, or her "experience" and record - the only reason I'd vote for her is because she's a Democrat - otherwise I'm highly reluctant. There should be NO DO-OVER in Florida - that is changing the rules after the fact! And, I'll admit to having a negative voice. I don't like the woman all that much. Have I ever tried to hide that? Nope!