Wednesday, January 02, 2008

PTSD: It's not as bad as I thought

It's 3:00 a.m. and who is going to answer that call? They both are!
I couldn't be happier with the unfolding of events in Washington. We now see who Obama has chosen to surround himself with, the team he is putting together, and I suddenly feel quite confident about his success as a President.

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State is a brilliant appointment! Better than VP, better than any other single post short of the Presidency itself. Rham Emanuel as chief of staff is another brilliant choice. I love BO installed an attack dog in that post, someone who will be less concerned with posturing and more concerned with results. And a ballet dancer no less! My biggest apprehension about an Obama presidency was that it might be a little short on political savvy. Those fears are gone.

The dream of turning Virginia blue finally became a reality. That wretched Muslim hating bigot Virgil Goode was narrowly beaten by the second coming of Christ....Tom Perriello. We love Tom! He's young, smart, and progressive and no one expected him to win. Of course our former Governor Mark Warner won election to the Senate by a landslide, and Obama became the first Democratic nominee to take Virginia's electoral votes in over 40 years.


WAT said...

It looks like a pretty damn good cabinet he's assembling alright. I just hope our economy is able to weather the enormous test/difficulty it is going through right now, although more and more I'm starting to think OBAMA is gonna pull off some sort of FDR-type socialist-style administration, which in times like these may be what is needed/justified.

I had to laugh out loud at yer comment on my blog about you going into a monastery to PEEL CARROTS! LOLOL! I think OBAMA better get with it and send us all some big time stimulus bailout checks or something. This country desperately needs them, although don't give any to the anti-gay crowd. Let them starve! Mind you, there goes about 60 % of the country, but we'll have less people, so not bad population control!

Gledwood said...

I hope Obama will bring more joy than the last lot of idiots. I would wish him good luck because he will certainly need it. Not because I think Obama's crap though as I have ranted I would have preferred Hilary (well it's not as if she's MY president...) the world is ****'d anyhow.
I just hope he doesn't turn into an American Gordon Brown.

Hey have a very Merry One and a fantastic 2009...