Thursday, May 07, 2009


Anyone seen "Shortbus"?
I did and I have a little something to say about it...
Apparently it was released last year, but I never heard of it until it showed up in my mailbox the other day from Netflix . I don't even remember ordering it, but what a flick; John Cameron Mitchell's big- hearted, pan-sexual mosaic of New Yorker's looking for love and orgasm is Really Hot. It is the rare example of a non porn film that doesn't exploit graphic sex as a gimmick, yet it is the best non-porn, porn, I have ever seen. Mitchell's ambitious attempt to merge his characters' active sexual lives with their still more interesting emotional lives is salaciously entertaining for roughly the first half, and then veers away from it's hedonistic & sometimes playful premise, to a decidedly more powerful one. I thought the film was brilliant...and sexy...and funny: In that order.

Check this Trailer for "Shortbus"


WAT said...

Well, I wasn't too thrilled with the movie like you were unfortunately. Found the Asian woman character quite annoying and not caring enough for her. It was the suicidal gay dude that I most identified with and found to be the most powerful character in the movie.

And what I thought was going to be pure hedonism got ruined by such a depressing storyline! NO! Glad u liked, but Imma have to say it didn't meet my expectations. It did have a good soundtrack tho!

I know u read my review a few posts back.

M- Filer said...

I loved the suicidal gay dude! I didn't identify with him at all, but that's probobally why I was so attracted to him--his darkness.
Anyway, I actually don't remember you reviewing this movie--like I said; never even heard of it. I'll have to go back and check out what you had to say.

Pod said...

i went to see it with two old dears and sank in my seat as soon as it started, but they howled! they loved it. dirty old birds!

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

I LOVED Shortbus - I thought it was intelligent and fun and well done! I wish we'd get more films like it!

Eddie said...

I'm dying to see the damn movie and make a judgment of my own.

It looks amazing nevertheless and I can appreciate anything that "Strays" in an industry of repeated bullshit.

Miss you mucho pa.
