Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Hampshire: Who's Bitter Now?

"Because of you, the tide is turning."
Hillary Rodham Clinton - Philadelphia 4/22/08


joe*to*hell said...

she's only got 4 months to save the world

J. David Zacko-Smith said...
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J. David Zacko-Smith said...

First of all, she only won by 10 points - and will hardly pick up enough delegates or popular votes to do anything "big". A few weeks ago she had a lead of over 20 points; yes, Obama outspent her in PA, but that's because he HAS raised the money and is running a better campaign. If anyone is bitter, It's Hillary - she accuses Obama of whining, but she's been the biggest whiner of all (poor girl, always gets the FIRST question). ;-) Obama will trounce her in North Carolina, likely take Indiana (and Montana and Oregon), and it'll be over as it should be (unless Hil decides to be bitter and drag this on). While I will agree with you that Obama has caused many of his own problems, anyone must admit that Hillary has also caused most of hers - her campaign has been terribly run, and she has said some REALLY stupid things - sniper fire, anyone?

10 points is hardly a turning tide when you are behind by so much that you can't statistically make up the a miracle or dirty politics.

M- Filer said...

"grab a boy, grab a girl...break it down"


WAT said...

Madonna has scored her thirteenth #1 in the U.K.

Anonymous said...

When does the Democratic candidate get chosen? Like the end of June or something?

I hope Hil gets it. Obama is arrogant, self-righteous and elitist. I can't stand it!

Gledwood said...

Even if Obama doesn't get it this time, he's perfectly capable of coming back 8 years later; I can't see that happening for poor Hillary. Let Hillary have it now; she's a tough old bird. THAT is why I thought she'd make a better president than Obama in the first place because she IS so tough. You don't just want "nice": not for the president of the United States!

Anonymous said...

"I can see the top of her head from here. Oh right, the election."

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

First of all, I didn't write the line you referred to - the author of the piece did. Secondly, loving it all and agreeing with that comment are NOT mutually exclusive. Just like Hillary, you like to see things in black and white, when the black and white you see is an illusion! ;-)

P.S. - if Hillary were TOUGH as Gledwood says, she wouldn't a. ) whine, and b.) need to lie, and c.) be staying in the race due to her ego. She LOST!

M- Filer said...

Ahh, but that's where you are wrong. Has she lost? Now that is definitely a gray area.