"...they aren't attacking me because I am a woman, they are attacking me because I am ahead!"
Hillary successfully dodged bullets while smiling warmly for the camera. Polarizing or not, this is why she is the most capable of beating any Republican in the general election.
Joe Biden gave stunningly straightforward answers, and demonstrated that he understands the fine print. He's extremely capable and deserves to be a top-tier candidate. Perhaps after tonight he will take John Edwards' place as the the number three guy. I like him.
Conversely, John Edwards spewed simplistic analogies and hurled lame pot shots at Hillary. He was overly pandering to "ordinary Americans" (whoever they are), and came off as an untrained attack dog.
Barack Obama was fine. No complaints here except that I don't remember a thing he said.
Bill Richardson is too fat.
Chris Dodd was impressive. For an old-time Connecticut Democrat, he is beginning to grow on me. Smart guy and more progressive than he appears.
Dennis Kucinich was peevish and ornery, not pretty when you stand five-foot-nothing. Too bad, the man could be a revolutionary.
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Bill Richardson is too fat! AHAHAHAHAHHAAH! Yes he is!
Yeah, I caught a bit of the debate last night, and I'm glad you blogged about it, 'cause I didn't pay enough attention as I was dealing with a big of a migraine.
What I did notice is that Edwards was being kind of tacky in his attacks, but boy did he look good. And Obama looked rather handsome too. And HILLARY looked great! The bitch has had good work done on her face!
Yeah...I have a "love it/I'm over it" affair with Hillary, and I think Biden has been really great (perhaps a Hillary/Biden ticket)? I still like Obama, though some of the glitter has faded, and the rest are kinda unimpressive. Watch what you say about guys who are "Five foot something", because so am I! ;-)
Ok, since I am from another side of the planet I don't know half of these people (well,I know some of them but not their campaings) so cannot give a real opinion, but that one comment about Bill Richardson sure made me laugh out loud. It was just so... bulls eye. HAHA!
I didn't see the debate. Interesting that Biden came off well. The debate format is probably working in his favor. He's a smart guy with a nuanced take on things but has a tendency to let his ego take over, and he can be a windbag. I suppose the time limits keep this tendency in check.
I misread something really entertainingly on Wat's blog about Hilary Clinton.
He said "history is unfolding before our eyes" or something like that...
I misread it as "Hilary is unfolding before our eyes" har-har!!
Is it just me or does Hilary have slightly deranged manic eyes?
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